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If you think that historical monuments, cuisine, exceptional nature, and beverages are everything that these ancient people have to offer, you are yet to find out about their national dances and music. It is very unlikely to find any other nation in the world that has an ability to tell its history, its ups and downs through dances and music as Armenians do. Just pay attention to one note in an Armenian traditional song, and even without understanding a word that is being sung, the music will go right into your heart! From losses to victories, from genocide to rehabilitation- everything this nation has been through is hidden in its dances and music.

If you ever came across a Caucasian culture, you have definitely heard of a magical instrument called duduk. Take a note: it’s an ancient Armenian instrument!  But enough with words. You better hear and see it for yourself, and add one more reason to your list of “why I should visit Armenia.”



