There is a widely known story about Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom being introduced to the Armenian brandy by the leader of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin. According to the story, Churchill was so impressed by the Armenian beverage, that he ordered to send him bottles of it each year. Based on many sources, more than 400 bottles of brandy were shipped to the politician annually. Other famous people such as writer Agatha Christie and singer Frank Sinatra were also among fans of the widely known Armenian brandy. To this day, the taste of the Armenian cognac is well known and beloved throughout the globe, especially in Europe and America.
Although there is a variety of versions of brandy tasting, Armenians prefer it as a dessert drink, combined with fruits or chocolate. If you have never tried brandy with your favorite sweet, Armenians, who know a lot about the famous beverage, would definitely teach you how to do so, and, surely, you are going to love it!
Want some good news? By visiting Armenia, you will get an exceptional opportunity to learn the history of legendary Ararat brandies, witness the production stages, and taste the beverage right at the factory itself!