Маршрут: Жинвальское водохранилище-крепость -с. Степанцминда- Храм Святой Троицы
Стоимость включает: услуги квалифицированного гида, транспортные услуги во время тура, подъем на делике к храму Гергети
Продолжительность: 8-9 часов
Ananuri is a fortress situated on the foreland by the Aragvi River, near to Zhinvali water reservoir. It was built by the Dukes of Aragvi and its earliest parts date from the 13th century. The fortress is on the UNESCO Tentative list. The fortress consist of two fortifications joined by a crenellated curtain wall. The upper fortification with a large square tower, known as Sheupovari, is well-preserved.
Gudauri. The ski resort is located on the south-facing plateau of The Greater Caucasus Mountain Range in Georgia. The resort is situated in the Stepantsminda District, along the Georgian Military Highway near the Cross Pass, at an elevation of 2,200 meters, above sea level with skiable area enjoying maximum exposure to the sun. The ski season lasts from December to April.
Gergeti Trinity Church. The old Georgian Church is located under the Mount Kazbek, 2170m above the town of Stepantsminda (former Kazbegi) and village of Gergeti whose name she had adopted. The church is widely known as Gergeti trinity Church thought Georgians call it Gergeti Tsminda Sameba.It was built in the 14th century.