Route: Balneological resort-Arzni
Duration: on request
Meeting at the Yerevan airport. Transfer to the Arzni Hotel. Night in Arzni |
Отдых в отеле с оздоровительными процедурами. Night in Arzni |
Transfer to the Yerevan airport |
Health is the most valuable thing we have, it is a priceless gift that we must support if we want to live a decent life.
“Health resort Arzni” is an integral complex that contains the conditions necessary for the organization of treatment and recreation.
It is located at an altitude of 1250 m above sea level, 23 km North of Yerevan, on the slope of a gorge covered with forest and bushes, where you can hear the clear and clear murmur of the Hrazdan river.
The climate in Arzni is continental, winter is mild (average temperature of January-5C), summer is pleasantly cool (average temperature of July +22C), autumn is warm and lasts for a long time.
Sunny days in the year are 2236 hours. In terms of the number of clear days, Arzni surpasses all health resorts in the Caucasus.
The atmospheric pressure is stable, without sharp fluctuations and is equal to 657 mm of mercury.
The main therapeutic factors of the sanatorium are carbon dioxide, sodium chloride-carbonate waters, as well as climatic conditions of the mountainous area, which is characterized by low atmospheric pressure.
For effective treatment, a large amount of carbon dioxide in mineral waters (1.25-2.0 g/l) and the presence of various mineral elemets (8-10 g/l) are of particular importance.
About the mechanism of influence of ARZ mineral waters
The influence of Arzni mineral waters on the body is due to:
- the presence of carbon dioxide-chloride-bicarbonatonate salts,
- the mineral composition of water.
Due to the above factors, the vascular system of the entire body expands. The main factor affecting the body is carbon dioxide from mineral water, which irritates the skin’s nerve receptors, causing reflex expansion of capillaries, which increases the flow of venous blood and increases the heart rate. As a result, it improves blood circulation and nutrition of the heart muscle, as well as redox processes in the tissues.
In sanatorium are:
– baths with Arzni mineral water, pine baths- clay treatment
– treatment of vertebra problems with Nuga BEST massage apparatus with natural Tibetan jade
– hydrotherapy: underwater massage, circular, fan, vertical and rain showers and Charcot showers
– manual therapy: massage, therapeutic gymnastics, walk along the alley
– paraffin therapy, peat therapy
– inhalation and oxygen therapy
– acupuncture
– intestinal and gastric washing with mineral water
– gynecological irrigation with mineral water
– Electrophysiotherapy: electrophoresis, D’arsonval, UHF, quartz, uzt, amplipulse, electroson
Treatment of diseases in health resorts:
Diseases of the cardiovascular system:
a / coronary heart disease: stenovardia, postinfarction cardiosclerosis
b / hypertension of I and II degrees
b / myocarditis caused by rheumatic and other causes, 6-8 months after exacerbation
g / myocardiodystrophy caused by various causes
d / neuroses of the cardiovascular system
- Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
a / chronic inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines
b / stomach and duodenal ulcers
C / chronic inflammatory diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
a/ arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis
- metabolic Disorders:
a / diabetes mellitus (mild to moderate)
b / violation of fat metabolism
V / gout
- Chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genitals
- Neurosis, fatigue
- Mineral bath
- Hydropathy
- Physical therapy and massage
- Physiotherapy
- Inhalation and oxygen cocktail
* Treatment with paraffin, peat and clay
- Treatment with leeches, needles and NUGA BEST apparatus
Meeting at the airport. Transfer to the hotel.
Meeting at the airport.
Transfer to the hotel.
Free time.
Night in Arzni
Recreation and health-improving procedures in Arzni
Transfer to the Yerevan airport
The cost and package of Wellness services that will be included in the price depends on the specific dates and the selected package of services provided by the hotel.